Kay-Jay Solutions, Mr. John Inyang

Mr. John Inyang @ Kay-Jay Solutions is a retired veteran and technology specialist. Mr. Inyang had a daring vision of supplying the government with technical contracts. To start off his vision, Mr. Inyang needed a website. He looked to us to capture his ability in a professional, effective and efficient website.

The Development Process:

Mr. Inyang, already had his preferred domain name, Kay-JaySolutions.com, registered at Go-Daddy and so the first step was to begin the transferring process. We initiated the transferring process with G0-Daddy. Transfers generally take about 3-5 days. This transfer took about a week and at that point, we called Go-Daddy and the transfer was complete within the next 30 minutes. We learned putting pressure expedites the process, and have been doing so for our clients since. The next step was development.

Mr. Inyang emphasized he wanted his website to look “clean” – meaning everything should be clear with minimal distractions. He wanted to make sure  he did not bombard his clients, but give them one clear route to follow.

We agreed and designed his site minimalistic, but visually appealing.

kay jay small business design

All that is left is Mr. Inyang’s logo. If only he would let us get him a better, higher resolution logo…


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